- As employees were sent home and online schooling became the norm, consumer spending shifted along with all of the change, due to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Workers are no longer purchasing a coffee or to-go salad over lunch, rather, they are making these things at home
-"If you're eating more of those meals at home, guess what? You're making more. So you just need the appliances and the houseware items to help you execute."
- In the 13 weeks ending June 27, coffee and espresso makers sold 1 million more units then the same period last year, while electric grills and griddles sold 1/2 million more.
- This 'hunker down' mentality has occurred in the past, where consumers stay in and cook more 'leftover friendly' meals , since they aren't leaving their house as much
-"Heading into the fall, he expects sales to be driven in large part by children's schooling"